Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

sex update

So far, the sex thing has gone a little something like this:
Day 1 -- nice
Day 2 -- pretty good
Day 3 -- my vagina hurt from the traffic so I gave him a hand job. Typing that makes me think about "Rushmore."
Day 4 -- I suggested we give up, and he agreed this 100 days thing is wack.
Yay! We made it two days in a row!
Okay, now onto other things.
1) Our neighbor down the street is a bitch whore. Her kid always comes over to play, and sometimes the kids fight. Sometimes her kid starts it, other times it's my jackasses. Anyway, I figured that's what happens, no big deal. Well, she made some nasty comment to "Mary" when she went over to ask if the bitchwhore's kid could play. "I dunno, are you done being crabby? My bitchwhore spawn said you were in a crabby mood." And then she admitted her kid wasn't even home. Now why are you gonna pick a fight with a 6-year-old? Dirty whore. I want to go fight her but I'm not very strong and don't have good fighting skillz.
2) Yeah, my husband lost his job. I am trying not to freak out. He is starting to get down and freak out a little. That's not like him -- I'M the mentally unstable one.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

a decision I may come to regret

Heh heh, no pun intended... heh!
Inspired by a fellow blogger who was, in turn, inspired by some magazine article, I have signed on for 100 days in a row of sex. Last night was night 1. It was good. That does not mean I am looking forward to tonight.
I am a willing participant in this experiment. I was offered several outs. I thought it would probably be good for us... with the possible added benefit of buying me a few weeks off at the end of this.
Also, the other blogger got an iPod out of the deal so I am hoping I will get a great Christmas present if I keep this up.
Future updates to come...
Oh yeah. Also, we have an established marital rule along the lines of, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." Except for us it is, "What's good for the goose's ass is good for the gander's." So even though my beloved's love language is supposedly butt sex, no one is speaking his language around here. So don't be traumatized if you know me in real life.

Monday, July 21, 2008

love languages

After some introspection, I determined that my love language has something to do with eating chocolatey baked goods in peace and quiet. If I could be alone with a giant plate of chocolate chip cookies, all would be right in my universe.
I shared this with my husband, but then he told me that his love language is butt sex. :(

Saturday, May 31, 2008

the more you know...

The longer your partner spends fumbling in the dark with the sex toys bag, the worse news that is for your anal sphincter integrity. So clench in advance, ladies.