Monday, March 17, 2008

intro and bitching about sex

I am all over this dee-lux apartment in the sky-hi-high. Except I would totally have a shitty basement apartment.

Anyway, I have a Husband. Usually we get along well and he is my best friend. Usually. We also have four kids. Our oldest is a 5-year-old girl who I'll call G5. We have twin boys who are 3 who I'll call B3a and B3b. And we have a baby who I'll call G1.

So this rocks, because I adore my family but sometimes I want to admit that I fucking hate them all and just want to get drunk all the damn time and watch Reno 911 marathons or something. So yeah, thanks for this, Constance the first. And the main reason I want a place to vent without potentially embarrassing my husband, who I do love...

I do not have a strong sex drive. I wish I did. I have a strong sleep drive. And a strong cookie-eating drive, and a strong sit-around-on-the-internet-watching-tv drive. But I feel like I should not have to have obligatory sex. And he feels like it shouldn't be obligatory, but I should WANT it. This causes every bit of the conflict we have in our marriage. And that sucks.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the building!

Leah said...

I'm so glad you shared this. I feel very similarly about sex, especially since the birth of my twins, and I don't even know how to write about it on my private blog. I would totally rather sleep, eat, read magazines in bed, watch TV, or be on the computer than have sex, most days. It also causes us a lot of conflict.

Oh, and in laws? Main reason I started my second blog! The unannounced extra guests sounds really annoying.

"Constance-1-M" said...

Um, you have 4 kids under the age of SCHOOL AGED!!!

My sex life would be dead, cremated and thrown in a vault after having 4 small kids all day. But I'm petty, mean & easily exhausted ;) hehehehe

Woman with a Hatchet said...

We're living the same life Constance in the Basement. Except you've got an extra kid in there.

The sex drive thing is THE BIGGEST PROBLEM I have with my husband. I am making him very very sad, but the lack of sleep is making me psychotic and thinking harming myself thoughts. It sucks.

Hang in there.