Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My in-laws, who I do generally like a lot, have a habit of bringing people to my house without asking or even mentioning it first. Inviting strangers to my kids' birthday parties, on the extreme end.

But less extreme is my MIL and FIL's habit of bringing a niece or nephew along every time they visit us. Because we don't already have enough kids, and we aren't already sick of kids, and we'd love one or two more kids to take care of on a weekend when we already have a houseful.

In theory it is lovely to visit with the kids but in reality I don't like kids very much.

Anyway, the worst part is that they do not ask us about this or inform us about this in advance.

So, because I am passive-aggressive, I do not scoop the litterbox (in the basement, in a room adjacent to the futon in the playroom where company is known to sleep) when I am surprised by an additional guest.

Whoops! Didn't have time to clean since I didn't know you were coming, teenaged niece! Do you smell something? I don't know what that could be. NIGHT NIGHT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is it bad we "know" each other? :)