Friday, March 21, 2008

why the bloody hell can't my daughter potty train for the love of god?

My darling eldest, D5, or G5, or whatever I decided to call her, is going to be 6 in June. She's supposed to start kindergarten in the fall.

She still has motherfucking potty accidents all the fucking time.

I cannot express what an issue this has been in our relationship.

She started potty training before she was 2. She'd even stop playing to go pee on the potty, and I was super-excited. But then I found out we had twins on the way, and assumed she'd regress anyway, so we never pushed it. Just kept the potty around.

The summer of her 2nd birthday, she switched daycare situations a handful of times, moved, got two new babies, and all around had a shitty time. I did not pressure her to use the toilet -- in fact I tried to shield her from family members' intimations that she should be out of diapers.

After she turned 3, it started getting to me. I think it was sometime that fall, so she was 39ish months. I tried pull-ups, tried undies, tried nakey-time, tried reward charts...

And it dragged on. Her pediatrician said she just wasn't ready, and to drop it for a few months. I tried that a few times. Finally she was turning 5 and still not what I'd consider potty trained. Thank God, she doesn't poop her pants. She mastered that first, actually.

But she still pees herself regularly. It has gotten better, gradually. Now, 3 months shy of her 6th birthday, she pees herself nearly every day, but it isn't a full voiding of her bladder. Normally the urine doesn't even go through to her pants, although tonight it did. And to my sofa.

She is completely blase about this, which is infuriating.

We've looked into medical help, but 1) the tests available are invasive, 2) if a physical condition exists, she is likely to outgrow it on her own in a few years if she is going to outgrow it at all, and 3) success rates for the surgical option are not effective enough for me to justify putting her through all that.



"Constance-1-M" said...

My god-daughter has almost the same story ~ started PT @ 2 then had a shitty parental divorce & swiched parents for a week at a time per idiot judges' orders. Since then her ped told her mom not to push & to let it slide when there are accidents. And now she's turning 5 & has accidents after every visit with her dad ...

They started taking her to a child psychologist & she thinks it's a reaction to all the stress, etc. She swears she'll grow out of it ~ but she encourages Mandy to warn Kay of what the consequences will be if she has accidents b/c she's old enough now to stop doing this & she ONLY does it after she's seen her dad. If you can find a rhyme to the timing, maybe you can remind her "Go potty or X will happen."

All that to say, I (vicariously) know your pain & you aren't the only one!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I had no idea you were struggling with this. I tried with my 2 year old for 2 days but it was BAD timing on my part b/c it was the same week the 1yo had surgery. i'm hoping that having stopped so fast will help, but i'm terrified of having 3 kids in diapers once the baby arrives. keep us posted on how this goes...

lucidkim said...

my youngest daughter was very blase about using the toilet too...she would pee on herself all the time because she was too busy playing or didn't want to get up and go - even if it was VERY CLOSE. she's grown out of it for the most part - every now and then she'll have an accident (like once every 2 months or so) - but she at least makes the effort now. i think going to kindergarten helped...being around other kids can really motivate that kind of behavior to change! hang in there, she will grow out of it...